Friday, August 14, 2009

dogrose & fireweed

The Prickly Rose (Rosa acicularis) is a wild species of Rose that is native to the interior of BC. And has relatives all around the world. Blooming in July, the rose petals are edible and make a great garnish. The hips that ripen in the fall and are an important food for birds and animals. Black Bears (Ursus americanus), will wait until the rosehips have been frozen a few times before they pick them with their prehensile lips. Bears don’t really chew their food. So soft energy rich food is preferred. Freezing makes the rosehips soft and sugary.

Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) knows how to reproduce. It’s beautiful and everywhere. It also has far-flung relatives in Europe, Japan and Siberia. In late summer Fireweed release their fluffy seeds to the wind in great storms.

Photos by Rob

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